About Freelance Writing (http://www.aboutfreelancewriting.com/) sets the bar that we mere mortals can only aspire to. Regularly updated, this blog carries everything from freelance writing job opportunities to industry news.
All Freelance Writing (http://allfreelancewriting.com/) comes a close second. A very close second. Great articles, tons of job postings and lots of resources,. What’s not to love?
Freelance Writing Scene (http://www.freelancewritingscene.com/) is not as pretty as the first two—in fact it sort of looks like "Twitter for Writers," which means frequent updates to useful or interesting links.
Freelance Writing Jobs for Web and Print (http://www.freelancewritinggigs.com/) bills itself as "the number one online community of freelance writers;" if that’s true, it’s with good reason. Very nice, indeed.
Daily Freelance Writing Tips (http://dailyfreelancewritingtips.wordpress.com/) contains mostly short, to-the-point posts on the various aspects. challenges and opportunities facing today’s freelance writers.
The Ups, Downs and Sometimes Insane World of Freelance Writing (http://www.insanefreelancewriting.com/) Frankly, the name alone makes this one worth checking out. I enjoy Jon’s writing style, too, but think he should put his full name somewhere on his blog—at least on his profile. My two cents, Jon.
The Bigge Idea (http://thebiggeidea.blogspot.com/), freelance journalist’s Ryan Bigge’s contribution to the blogosphere is often irreverent, generally thought-provoking, and never predictable.
Angela Booth’s Fab Freelance Writing Blog (http://www.fabfreelancewriting.com/blog/) is all about making a more than decent living as a freelance writer. She’s doing it, so she should know.
Freelance Switch (http://www.freelanceswitch.com/) is actually geared towards all freelancers, not just writers, but you won’t mind once you see how info-packed it is.
Ask Wendy-The Query Queen (http://askwendy.wordpress.com/) contains contest news, advice, links to Wendy’s book (smile) and happens to be one of the more attractive writing blogs out there.
C. Hope Clark (http://www.hopeclark.blogspot.com/), publisher of the ezine Funds for Writers and herself a prolific author, provides more writing awards and other funding information and news on her blog.
So there you have it. Read them and reap.
Wondering on Wednesday 1/15/25
1 month ago
Thanks for this list. Much appreciated.
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Good Luck and Thank You!
Rusty Squire
I'm glad you enjoy All Freelance Writing. And thanks for the list. There are at least two in there I wasn't familiar with previously, and I'll be sure to check them out. :)
ReplyDeleteLove what oyu're doing, Rusty. I will post your link in my ezine.
ReplyDeleteThanks for some great new places to look for freelance writing jobs! Of course, I still visit the old standby sites like Freelance writing jobs but sometimes it's more fun to read some interesting blogs with different kinds of leads!