I’m moving WriteSuccess again. This time, I’m moving it home—to the home URL, that is, http://writesuccess.com .
For the better part of the last nine years, I’ve published WriteSuccess as an e-zine. That format suited me, as well as a core following of readers, just fine for the longest time.
But I’ve found lately that the amount of time it takes to put each issue together, even an imperfect issue, versus the percentage of people who actually open it when it lands in their inboxes, hasn’t felt productive for me. Moreover, I noticed that even my own online reading habits have changed—I am now much more likely to crack open e-mails that I know will be quick reads than those that are jam-packed with articles, links and other information. And when I have a few minutes, I’m more likely to check for personal and professional updates on Facebook and Twitter than log into my e-mail inbox. It’s just the age we live in.
As the popularity of social networking sites like the ones I mentioned above has exploded, and as blogs have become the main article publishing format for millions of people, I knew that I needed to reformat WriteSuccess if I wanted to continue to connect with writers online and keep delivering links, information, resources and inspirational pep talks as I’ve done for nearly a decade.
In short, it was time for WriteSuccess to go Web 2.0.
So from now on, you’ll find us in our new blog format, at our same old URL. Over time, I will stop sending WriteSuccess via e-mail completely, and communicate solely to those who sign up for the blog feed, or to those who stumble across the site via my referrals from Twitter or through their own searches for writing information. I urge those of you who continue to want to be notified of WriteSuccess updates via e-mail to unsubscribe from this newsletter and subscribe to the feed at the sign up box on the home page at http://writesuccess.com .
I will post more frequent but generally much shorter updates on the WriteSuccess blog containing links to useful sites, resources and articles, interspersed with articles of my own, than I did when I published in e-zine form. My aim is to make WriteSuccess a more valuable source than ever of information for writers who are trying to build successful writing careers.
I also plan to continue to publish your WriteSuccess Stories—announcements about books or articles you’ve written, writing jobs you’ve landed, and/or writing contests you’ve won—so make sure to keep those coming.
As always, I will welcome your comments and feedback. In fact, my hope is that this blog format will make doing that even easier for you.
Here’s to your writing success.
Mary Anne
P.S. I also invite everyone to follow me on Twitter, where I send out links to writing jobs, writing contests and writing articles nearly every day. To follow, go to http://twitter.com/writesuccess , or narrow your search to my posts only by entering "WriteSuccess" on http://search.twitter.com .
Wondering on Wednesday 1/15/25
1 month ago
Good choice! I subscribe to your Twitter feed already, and I like the layout of the page at the home URL (to which I've already subscribed). Looking forward to watching it unfold.